Jointly means that all of the Attorneys must work together and all sign documents together.
Jointly and Severally means that any one of the Attorneys can sign a medical consent or make a health care decision without the signature of the other(s) or alternatively everybody can sign. It becomes their choice and makes signing very convenient.
If you choose Jointly then all must sign documents and that could be difficult logistically if one of the Attorneys resides in a distant location. Health care decisions may need to be made quickly. You may decide that only one of your Attorneys needs to accompany you to the doctor's or dentist's office, not all of them.
Whenever you have more than one primary Attorney or Substitute (Alternate means same thing) Attorney, you need to specify whether they must act Jointly or may act Jointly and Severally.
Call a Lawyer Now to Book an Appointment 905-273-3322
Jointly and Severally means that any one of the Attorneys can sign a medical consent or make a health care decision without the signature of the other(s) or alternatively everybody can sign. It becomes their choice and makes signing very convenient.
If you choose Jointly then all must sign documents and that could be difficult logistically if one of the Attorneys resides in a distant location. Health care decisions may need to be made quickly. You may decide that only one of your Attorneys needs to accompany you to the doctor's or dentist's office, not all of them.
Whenever you have more than one primary Attorney or Substitute (Alternate means same thing) Attorney, you need to specify whether they must act Jointly or may act Jointly and Severally.
Call a Lawyer Now to Book an Appointment 905-273-3322